2021 Organ Festival
"Souffle de Printemps"
April 17th - May 8th, 2021
AOA Spring Organ Concert Series
Auditoire Calvin
The "Souffle de Printemps" organ festival promises to be an exciting event. Organists come from a variety of backgrounds and will present different organ works.
Vincent Thévenaz, professor of organ and improvisation in Geneva (HES), is titular organist and carillonneur at the Saint-Pierre Cathedral in Geneva. This organ concert will be designed especially for children and their families!
Marcelo Giannini began his organ and harpsichord studies in his native Brazil. He then studied with Karl Richter in Munich before concluding his studies at the Geneva Conservatory with a First Prize for Virtuosity in the organ and improvisation class of Lionel Rogg.
Born in Geneva, Nathalie Effenberger completed her master's degree in organ at the Haute Ecole de Musique in 2018 in the class of Alessio Corti. Nathalie is titular organist at the Temple of Versoix and also works as organist at the Church of Christian Science in Geneva.
Fruzsina Szuromi comes from a family of opera musicians. She is a choral conductor, pianist and a specialist in the Kodaly Method. She obtained her degrees at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest and at the Geneva Conservatory of Music. In 2010, Fruzsina participated in the creation of The Ensemble Vocal Buissonnier that brings together young professional singers from the Hautes Ecoles de Suisse Romande.
Exceptional concert - The last concert of our "Souffle de Printemps" series, is in partnership with the St Peter's Cathedral: "Festival de Printemps" (May 7th, 8th 9th): www.concerts-cathedrale.ch
All concerts will take place on Saturday evening at 6 pm. The dates of this year's festival are:
April 17th -Marcelo Giannini
April 24th - Nathalie Effenberger
May 1st - Vincent Thévenaz
May 8th - Ensemble Vocal Buissonnier, "Ascent to the Heavens"
Fruzsina Szuromi, Director, Cecilia Knudtsen, Viole de gambe
Adrien Pièce, Orgue
Free Entry with a Collection at the end of the Concert
With the support of the EPG
We express our sincere thanks to our two donors, Loterie Romande and Fondation Suisse des Artistes Interprètes SIS, for their invaluable support which has allowed us to organize our festival 2021 despite the Covid-19 restrictions.
Saturday April 17th 2021 at 6pm
Tribute to Buxtehude
Jan Pieterszoon SWEELINCK
(1562 – 1621)
Fantasia chromatica
(1587 – 1654)
«Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz »
(12 versets)
(1637 – 1707)
Praeludium en sol mineur BuxWV 163
Chaconne en mi mineur BuxWV 160
« Mensch, willt du leben seglich » BuxWV 206
Nicolaus BRUHNS
(1665 – 1697)
Praeludium en mi mineur
Program of the recording, in PDF
Hommage à Buxtehude - Recorded 15.04.2021 in mp3 format
(Note: the performance begins after 30 seconds)
Below is the video of the recording.
Welcome by Wm McComish, President of the AOA :
Introduction by Rebecca MacDonald, Secretary of the AOA :
Saturday April 24th 2021 at 6pm
Baroque et Free Style
Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707): Praeludium en sol mineur, BuxWV 149
Robert Schumann (1810-1856): Etudes en canon n. 2, opus 56
Jean-Sebastien Bach (1685-1750): Concerto Bach-Vivaldi en ré mineur BWV 596
Louis Vierne (1870-1937): Scherzetto (24 pièces en style libre, opus 31)
Georg Muffat (1653-1704): Passacaglia en sol mineur (apparatus musico-organisticus)
Louis Vierne: Lied (24 pièces en style libre, opus 31)
Jean-Sébastien Bach: Fantaisie et Fugue en sol mineur, BWV 542
Louis Vierne: Canon (24 pièces en style libre, opus 31)
Albert Renaud (1855-1924): Toccata en ré mineur, opus 108 n.
Click here to view the program in PDF.
Saturday May 1st 2021 at 6pm
This program is specifically conceived for young children and their families !
« Chansons populaires pour petits et grands »
Gaël Liardon (1973-2018)
Bouba le petit ourson, 7 variations en hommage à Jean-Jacques Debout
Improvisation sur des chansons populaires
Peter Philips (1560/61-1628)
Margott Laborez (d’après Roland de Lassus)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621)
Est-ce Mars
Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck (1770-1846)
« Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman », 9 variations et final
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Toccata et fugue en ré mineur BWV 565
ENSEMBLE VOCAL BUISSONNIER, FRUZSINA SZUROMI (direction) Cecilia Knudtsen (Viole de gambe)
Adrien Pièce (Orgue)
Saturday May 8th 2021 at 6pm
Exceptional Concert - The last concert in our series "Souffle de Printemps" 2021
is in partnership with the Festival of Spring Concerts of St. Peter's Cathedral:
Ascension vers le ciel
1. (15 sec.) Johan Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750)
2. (13.47) Zoltán Kodály (1892 - 1967)
3. (19.56) Dietrich Buxtehude - Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott - Bux WV 200
4. (23.24) György Orbán (1954-) - Veni Creator Spiritus SSATTBB
5. (29.15) Diego Ortiz - Recercada Primeva
6. (33.34) Will Todd (1970 - )
7. (38.18) Dietrich Buxtehude - Toccata en Fa Majeur, Bux WV 156
8. (46.47) Johan Sebastian Bach - Jesu meine Freude - BWV 227 SSATB +bc
Recorded by : Cao-Thang Jeffrey Pham
Allérat Camille
Gutierrez Tlacaelel Emilio
Neves Dos Santos Gabriel
Rauber Gregory
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