Cecilia Knudtsen
Cecilia Knudtsen did her musical training in Argentina, her country of origin, and in Switzerland at the Centre de Musique Ancienne of the Conservatoire de Musique studying viola da gamba with Ariane Maurette and Roberto Gini. She also studied violin with David Sinclair at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
She performs in concert with different ensembles Musica Fiorita(CH), Chiome d'oro(CH), Harmonia Instrumentalis(CH), Cappella Mediterranea(CH), Ensemble Concerto(IT), Concert Brisé(FR), Ensemble La Batalla(CH), Fata la parte(CH), Sur le dos d'un oiseaux(FR), La Campanazo(CH).
She has collaborated with the ensembles Arabesque, Ensemble Baroque du Léman, Compagnie côté cour côté jardin (CH), Isabelle d'Este (CH), Fanfare du Fanfare du Loup(CH) ), Tohu ve Bohu(CH), Lucidarium (IT), Les Dominos(FR) and has made recordings with the ensembles Concerto, Musica Fiorita, Isabella d'Este, Chiome d'Oro, Ensemble Concerto, La Batalla.
Cecilia teaches viola da gamba, ensemble music and improvisation at the Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Danse et Théâtre de Geneva (CPMDT) and the didactics of early music at the HEM of Geneva.
AOA Festivals
Click a flyer image below to see details of the programs, other artists and related media :
Festival "SOUFFLE DE PRINTEMPS" 2021 with the Ensemble Vocal Buissonnier - May 8 at 6PM