Ensemble Vocal Buissonnier
The Ensemble Vocal Buissonnier brings together young professional singers from the Hautes Ecoles de Suisse Romande for original and high level projects in a human and stimulating atmosphere.
Founded in 2010 as part of the Orchestre Buissonnier, it has given numerous concerts in French-speaking Switzerland, a capella or accompanied by various orchestras; in particular with the Ensemble Baroque Buissonnier with whom it shared the poster for Bach's Christmas oratorio at Geneva Cathedral in December 2015.
Since its creation, it has been conducted by Fruzsina Szuromi.
AOA Festivals
Please click on a Flyer image below to view details of the program performed, other artists and related media of each event:
2021 "SOUFFLE DE PRINTEMPS" Festival - May 8th at 6:00PM
E-mail & Links
E-mail : comite@orchestrebuissonier.ch