Philippe Despont
Philippe Despont studied Organ and Harpsichord with François Delor and Christine Jaccottet at the Geneva Conservatory. His interest in Improvisation and Bass Continuo has led him through a myriad of musical styles: Baroque, Contemporary, Jazz, Elocution and Dance. With the violinist Odile Edouard and the Cellist, Alain Gervreau, M. Despont formed a trio to explore 18th century chamber music.
M. Despont is co-Titular Organist of the historic Manderscheidt organ (1657) and the Mooser organ (1836) in St Nicholas Cathedral in Fribourg. He teaches Organ, Harpsichord and Bass Continuo at the Conservatoire Populaire de Musique, Dance et Théâtre in Geneva.
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E-mail & Links
E-Mail: Philippe Despont, Conservatoire Populaire, Geneva